Bathroom Wipe-out 365 is powered by Liquid Guard®, the active ingredient of the antimicrobial coating. In independent laboratory tests, it has been certified to kill TGEV Coronavirus and Influenza A on surface contact – download tests here
TGEV Coronavirus has the same “enveloped virus” model structure as the SARS CoV virus, and because Liquid Guard has been shown to be effective against it, we are certain that it is also SARS CoV 2 effective . We have also been advised as such by leading decontamination experts. Additionally, Liquid Guard’s effectiveness against many other bacterial microbes (see list here) such as Listeria , Klebsiella pneumoniae (Pneumonia), MRSA and E.coli demonstrates its important contribution to continually reducing the transfer of microbes via the hand-surface-hand route between people and surfaces.
Currently no products can be tested against SARS CoV-2, as commercial testing houses are unable to obtain the strain – which is only held by Govt / Govt sponsored testing houses. See this useful explanatory link here