The non-absorbent surface range contains intelligent coatings for a broad range of non-porous surfaces, including glass, ceramics, stainless steel, plastic and granite. The nano coatings permanently adhere to surfaces, providing easy-clean performance against a wide range of contaminants, reducing cleaning interval times and avoiding the need for harsh cleaning chemicals.*
The non-porous range may be applied as a part of in-line automated or manual manufacturing processes, or by the end-user in kit format through own-label formats.
Application potential across this range is truly diverse: options span from Anti Mist glass coating applications to Clear View ultra hydrophobic coating window protection, to fully automated polished stone work-top stain prevention applications with the Dura range, and manually-applied permanent “easy-clean” external glass applications with Glassguard™ (VP12) easy clean glass coating .
*Excluding Clear View and Anti-Mist
Examples of non-absorbent surface applications:
- Plastic sports equipment
- Plastic furniture/ outdoor furniture
- Plastic finishes in/on vehicles
- Synthetic work tops
- Laminate finishes