Olive oil on a nano-ceramic treated kitchen counter

Keeping your kitchen looking good for longer.

Who doesn’t love looking for a new kitchen – the pleasure of flicking through magazines and brochures, deciding on the style, colour, finishes and appliances? Once chosen, we live through the temporary inconvenience of fitting and hey presto – our beautiful new kitchen shines brightly! But, in the real-life family situations involving children, pets, dirty…

Dura Nano-ceramic range

30ml Samples now available.

We understand that selecting the right coating can be difficult when there are different options and strengths within one range. Optimising performance and best value is key. Often the only way to achieve this balance is to evaluate in situ what meets specification and best fits application and production processes. This now becomes much easier through…

Water beads

What’s the difference between a nano-ceramic & a nano-coating?

As nano-coatings grow in popularity and availability in numerous sectors, the term “nano-ceramics” has entered the space – particularly in association with the automotive sector, where these terms are often interchangeable. So what is a nano-ceramic, what are their benefits and how do they sit within the nano-coatings category? Simon Mercer of Signo-Nanocare UK Ltd,…

Olive oil on quartz surface

The Nano-Science Behind Permanent Stain Protection

Specialist protective coatings manufacturer Signo-Nanocare UK may not spring to mind as a major player within the tile and stone protection market. Ranked in the world’s top ten nano-coating developers and producers Signo-Nanocare UK focus on supplying hi-spec’ permanent bond, easy clean solutions to stone and tile manufacturers. They provide the technology behind “life-time” stain…