Hand-surface-hand germ transfer of viruses

Antimicrobial nano-coating certified to kill enveloped viruses on contact – 24/7 365 days of the year.  

With the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, the focus on decontamination, deep cleaning, general cleaning and hourly top up cleans have become a mainstay of daily routines for care homes. Irrespective of whether you use a contract cleaning company or your own in-house team, the time needed to clean effectively is not inconsiderable, nor is the disruption to the residents.   Advice on cleaning solutions in…

Anti-microbial Liquid Guard surface coating system 1l

Is it time to switch to antimicrobial nano-coatings to meet Covid secure regulations?

Over recent months, we have heard the term ‘Covid secure’ being banded around in relation to workplaces, retail outlets and leisure facilities, all with the aim of getting the economy moving after lock-down. The Government has issued fourteen guides covering all types of workplaces from offices, fleets of vehicles to home visits.  Theses guides are…

New anti-viral nano coating technology used in gym’s

New anti-viral nano coating technology provides gym’s and leisure centres with a long term physical microbial kill on contact.

No-one disputes the health and wellbeing benefits that gyms and leisure facilities provide to their members in terms of physical activity, mental stimulation, and social interaction. However, under the current easing of lockdown they are still shut and not likely to open until the end of July at the earliest. This is due to concerns…

image depicting germ transfer through hand surface hand transmission

The hand-surface-hand transfer of viruses and bacteria was here before Coronavirus (SARS CoV-2) and will be long after.

Hand-surface-hand transfer didn’t start with Sars CoV-2, nor will it end with it! The fundamental role of hand-surface-hand transfer has also come to into sharp focus, with varying reports that SARS CoV-2 can last from a few hours to days on hard surfaces, which has led the public to be more conscious about what they…

Bacteria are easily transferred on shared keyboards

Liquid Guard® Permanent anti-bac: “Prevention over cure” in the commercial environment.

In recent years there has been a steep increase in the number of building operators offering ‘rent a desk’ or shared office working facilities. These trends build on the traditional system of one floor, one company occupancy, but what links these evolving styles of use in commercial space is the communal areas that continue to…

Hand-surface-hand germ transfer of viruses

Breaking the chain of infection surface by surface 24/7- 365 days.

Care home managers and proprietors who are looking to optimise infection control and break the ever-challenging chain of infection can now turn to Signo Nanocare UK’s newly launched wipe-on self-disinfection surface coating Liquid Guard®. The coating is effortlessly applied as part of your regular deep clean routines, giving every surface a year-long shield against the…

Cleaning with Liquid Guard®

Revolutionary anti-bac coating offers nursery & childcare facilities outstanding germ protection.

Nursery owners who are looking to optimise the health and well-being of both the children in their care and their staff can now look to Signo Nanocare UK’s new self-disinfection wipe on surface protection Liquid Guard®.The easily applied anti-bac coating will provide long-term protection against the spread of bacterial and fungal pathogens that settle on…