From the start of lock down at the end of March, the $64,000 dollar question has been ‘when will life return to normal?’ Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Head of the World Health Organisation (WHO), said on the 22nd August 2020 ‘he hopes the Coronavirus pandemic will be over in under two years’ when speaking at a conference in Geneva.
If this is correct, we still have a long way to go, through at least one ‘flu season’ in the UK. So, what are the options for reducing the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 (or in fact any other nasty microbe) between everyday commuters, school children, office workers, retail staff, shoppers and the general public?
Post Covid cleaning.
Over the course of the last five months, we have seen new technologies come to the fore to help solve everyday problems ; from tools to work and learn at home, to communication tech’ helping community groups support the most vulnerable. The ability to reduce the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 , and many other harmful microbes, has also been transformed by the evolution of a permanent antimicrobial nano coating called Liquid Guard®.
Nano coatings have been commercially available from Nano-Care since 2000 and have provided us with superb performance enhancement technology – including stain resistant carpets, water repellent coats and easy clean glass. Through pioneering work, it has been possible to combine an antimicrobial function with a permanent bond nano-coating, essentially making any coated surface self-disinfecting 24/7, 365 days of the year.
The simple explanation of the science behind the antimicrobial nano coating is that it works by covering the treated surface with nano spikes that are positively charged. The negatively charged cell membranes of the microbes are drawn to the surface and the cell wall and membrane are punctured by the spikes, rendering the cell ‘dead and inactive’. The physical nature of the kill prevents further transmission of the microbe, whether it’s SARS-CoV-2, MRSA or salmonella, removing the cell’s ability to multiply and mutate.
This constant kill action of the nano surface coating effectively reduces the build-up of microbes which normally thrive on high touch surfaces between cleaning cycles – whether that’s every half hour, every hour or once a day. This results in a vast reduction of transient microbes being passed between commuters, school children, gym goers, office workers and shoppers through hand-surface-hand transfer.
At a time when overzealous product performance claims on behalf of pop-up coating companies are being brought to account – every claim should be scrutinised for authenticity and accuracy – in the form of independent certification and test reports. Liquid Guard has been certified by independent laboratories to kill TGEV Coronavirus, Influenza A, E. coli and MRSA amongst a long list ; the laboratory certificates are available for download here. Beyond the immediate certified effectiveness of Liquid Guard’s anti-microbial performance , its longevity has been independently verified through weathering and ageing tests after one and three years – download here. Mechanical abrasion resistance is verified against cleaning cycles with testing to ISO 11998.
Liquid Guard provides the ability to drastically reduce the transfer of transient microbes between people and high touch surfaces in day to day life, with the reassurance of independent certification that proves its performance for the long term fight against Coronavirus now – and whatever the next prevalent pathogen threatens us with.

5L containers of Liquid Guard Cleaner and Primer and Liquid Guard Coating