As we pass twelve months since the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared Covid 19 a global pandemic, the UK’s vaccine programme is well underway and there is a glimmer of hope with the latest ‘road map’ signposting lockdown easing dates.
Whilst many are simply looking forward to being able to go out shopping and socialising, there are others that have concerns about transmission. These valid concerns, are highlighted in a recent report ‘infectious SARS CoV-2 can live up to 28 days on some surfaces at 20oC’.
How do you protect your staff and customers alike?
The transfer of infections can be reduced by breaking the hand-surface-hand transfer of ‘germs’ (viruses, bacteria and fungi) between surfaces and touch contact. This chain can be broken by using Liquid Guard®, an antimicrobial surface nano coating, which microscopically ‘alters’ the texture of the surface, enabling the puncturing of the germ cell’s outer wall – killing it instantaneously, before being transmitted to anyone else.
Liquid Guard® Antimicrobial surface coating has been utilised by many businesses to reduce the transfer of SARS CoV-2 and other harmful pathogens. Having been used in facilities from sports stadia to art galleries, offices to schools, hotels to homes, its proven SARS CoV-2 efficacy combined with ‘in-field’ ATP testing affirms its position as market leader.
Liquid Guard® Application & Coverage.
Liquid Guard is easily applied and can be done, by your own cleaning teams with a simple spray and wipe method; in larger spaces mist spraying can be employed.
1 Litre of Liquid Guard® will cover approximately 90-125m2 = approximately 2,700 average door push plates for just 4p each!
Liquid Guard® Antimicrobial Surface Coating is in a class of its own – see how easily it can be applied in classrooms
Liquid Guard ensures your business is customer-ready!